Tin Model LLC

TinModel Newsletter Archive
Vapor Collection Efficiency in Any Deposition Process, April 2024
Modeling of Complex Deposition Processes, March 2024
Application of V-Grade 5S: OLED Manufacturing, January 2024 
Ready for download: Rotatable Cylinder Sputtering Targets, November 2023
Important Considerations for Correction Masks, October 2023
We Will Deliver a Model of Your Process with a License, September 2023
Chimmeys for Vapor Source and Thickness Uniformity, July 2023
Engineering of Tribological Coatings gains a powerful weapon, April 2023
PVD and Sustainability, May 2021
Visualize Deposition Rates and Other Unknowns, April 2021
Modeling of Sputter Deposition in HiPIMS Mode, October 2019
The Cost of Vapor for Thickness Uniformity, March 2019
Correction Masks: Rotating or Static?  February 2019
Rotary Magnetron Source for Large Substrates, January 2019
Complex-motion PVD Processes, November 2018
Complete Thin-Film Optics Modeling: OptiLayer + V-Grade 5S, October 2018
Focus: Sputtered Thin Films -- New Release from Tin Model LLC, October 2018
How to Shape and Optimize a Correction Mask for a Planet, September 2018
Modulated-transit for Precision Coating, Part II: Effects of a Chimney, July 2018
Modulated-transit for Precision Coating, Part I,  May 2018
SVC member discount from TinModel,  April 2018
Vapor-Collection Efficiency | How to Estimate It,  March 2018
New Release from Tin Model: Vapor Plume Fitting,  February 2018
Better Thin Films, Fewer Test Runs?  January 2018
New Year's Greetings from Tin Model LLC!  January 2018
Self Shadowing of 3D Objects in PVD and Its Modeling,  October 2017
How to Load Lenses for Coating,  August 2017
Value-labeled Thickness Map Added to V-Grade 5S,  July 2017